Ditch Your Multivitamin
Supplements provide essential nutrients to support your overall health. Food today contains fewer nutrients than it did 100 years ago due to mono-cropping and tradeoffs between crop yields and nutrient content.[1] Meanwhile, filtered water and fluoride have contributed to lower mineral intake. Doctors have even vilified salt to the point where some people are now deficient in iodine.
40% of the population falls below the daily requirements for multiple micronutrients.[2] Supplements can help fill in gaps in nutrition or achieve specific goals. Many people take multivitamins, thinking they can meet their daily nutrient needs with just one pill. However, multivitamins frequently fall short of expectations. Here’s why you should ditch yours:
The Dosages are Wrong
The origins of the modern-day multivitamin go back 75 years when the Miles Laboratory developed the first One-A-Day based on newly published Recommended Daily Allowances (RDA). However, there is no rationale for combining all the vitamins you can think of into a single pill. Many nutrients compete for absorption, so taking so many at once may decrease your body’s ability to use them properly. Meanwhile, you should be able to get most of your nutrients through quality, nutritious whole foods and fill in any specific nutrient gaps with supplements.
The dosages in multivitamins often aren’t even determined by what’s good for you. The truth is, it's all about marketing. Your multivitamin is probably full of the cheapest ingredients, with hardly any expensive ones. Even worse, producers frequently utilize minute quantities of pricey ingredients just so that they may list them on the label. It’s a marketing game to make the fattest profit margins possible!
Most customers don’t understand the recommended dosage for each nutrient, and instead, they check the ingredient list to ensure there are enough ingredients to cover all the required bases. Newsflash: it's physically impossible to combine all the essential nutrients in one pill at adequate dosages. Consumers think they meet their nutritional needs if the label says it contains 100% of the RDA. But the RDA of most nutrients is, at best, the amount needed to prevent a deficiency, not necessarily a therapeutic amount that will help you optimize your health.
For example, according to some studies, as much as 75% of the U.S. population is vitamin D deficient (i.e., blood serum levels below 30 ng/ml). The RDA of vitamin D is 600 IU per day, and most multivitamins contain ~1,000 IU. Every 1,000 IU you take will raise vitamin D blood levels by roughly 5 ng/ml, so depending on your deficiency, you need more than the RDA and most multivitamins to get you back to sufficient levels. Meanwhile, the reference range for vitamin D is 30-100 ng/ml, you will feel significantly better if your vitamin D levels are closer to 100 than 30.
The Ingredients are Wrong
You get what you pay for in the supplement world. Supplement manufacturers try to make the fattest profit margins by using cheap, low-quality ingredients. Low-grade supplements are often packed with fillers and additives that interfere with your body’s ability to absorb the nutrients in the pill.
The body is a complicated system; many nutrients rely on and work synergistically with each other. For example, magnesium is essential for proper vitamin D absorption, but many multivitamins don’t have enough magnesium to make a difference. Meanwhile, vitamin K2 works synergistically with vitamin D to clear calcium from the arteries, and again, many multivitamins do not include K2 at all. Taking vitamin D without vitamin K2 can lead to heart problems.
The form of the ingredients matters too. For example, many multivitamins use folic acid, a synthetic form of folate (an essential B vitamin). But your body is very inefficient at utilizing folic acid, and it can even trigger weakness and fatigue in some people, cause certain types of cancer, and mask a vitamin B12 deficiency.[3]
You must choose supplement products in the proper forms (i.e., high-quality, bioavailable, gentle, etc.) and doses for them to be safe and effective.
They Don’t Target Your Needs
Most multivitamins use a one-size-fits-all approach to formulation. By putting a little bit of a lot of nutrients into one pill, they hope to fill a random nutritional gap or trigger a random benefit.
THRIVE takes the opposite approach. The THRIVE supplement is formulated with 12 scientifically-backed ingredients in proper dosages and bioavailable forms. THRIVE targets six health benefits that you can see and feel: a fortified immune system and decreased inflammation, transformative sleep, enhanced brain function, consistent energy, anxiety relief and stress management, and radiant appearance.
A traditional multivitamin is often less expensive, but if it doesn’t have the proper ingredients and dosages, it’s a waste of money. Besides, an investment in health and wellness is one of the best you can make. You don’t need to take a pill with every nutrient under the sun. What you need is a plan. That's where THRIVE steps in. By optimizing various nutrient levels, we can trigger hormones, neurotransmitters, and DNA to make the entire body function better and target things like fat loss, muscle gain, immunity, brain function, etc.
Order your bottle today and experience what it's like to feel your best.
Note: This article is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult a physician before taking any supplement. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
[1] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15637215/
[2] https://lpi.oregonstate.edu/mic/micronutrient-inadequacies/overview